My birthday is my favorite day of the year. Call me conceited, but I love the excitement and fanfare that comes with birthdays.
When I realized that my birthday fell over launch I was kind of bummed. I thought that it would be awkward because I would be celebrating my twenty-second trip around the sun with people that I was just starting to get to know. On top of it, this was the first birthday my squad would be celebrating this year, so I didn’t know what to expect. The days leading up to my birthday I longed to be home to celebrate with my family and friends.
When I rolled out of my tent on August eleventh I was greeted with lots of hugs and birthday wishes as we disassembled our tents. These small gestures warmed my heart and I walked into the day feeling better. As I walked to breakfast I thought that it might not be the most exciting day, but I was okay with that because it was at least better than the time I cleaned marching band drums on my birthday.
Little did I know I was in for such a surprise.
The balloons had an unfortunate run in with the fan and my friend Steph used her duct tape to fix them!
About five minutes into breakfast a speaker started blasting happy birthday. Then, Amy, Kayla, and Lubbock came running out with balloons, donuts, and instant coffee. It seemed like the celebrations continued all morning. We blasted 22 by Taylor Swift. We danced. We worshipped. It was perfect.
America runs on Dunkin’ and sometimes Racers do to.
The morning left me feeling full and happy. By the time lunch rolled around I thought that the celebrations had ended because we did SO much in the morning. But once again, my leadership team once again ran onto the patio to surprise us with cupcakes and candles. They were so delicious and somehow I wasn’t on a sugar high throughout the afternoon.
These were hands down some of the best cupcakes I’ve ever had.
I was excited for the evening because I planned to quick call my family and text back some of my friends. Little did I know that there my Amy, Kayla, and Lubbock bought ice cream for us to enjoy at dinner. And after, my friend Dana shared a video she made— she videotaped all the shenanigans to create a short birthday video! I was so spoiled.
The last sweet surprise— ice cream for dinner!
It was such a joyful day and I feel kind of silly expecting it to not be extraordinary. I guess in my mind I thought that since my squad doesn’t know all of me yet they couldn’t love me the way my friends and family do. Wow was I so incorrect! My squad loves me because they love the Lord, and they knew how to make me feel special because they’re eyes and ears are fixed on Him.
Birthdays aren’t about gifts or cake. They’re about showing each other a fraction of God’s abundant love for us.
The mighty mighty L-Squad.
I’m so excited for these next eleven months with these spectacular women.
Happy Birthday Claudia! May the Lord bless you on this day and all the rest of your days!
I’m so grateful you are blessed with such special and thoughtful people on this journey. Happy Birthday!
This makes my heart so warm!! I love you Claudzilla & happy (late) birthday!
Wow It touched my heart to know that such a young group of girls have figured out God’s love should be shared and made you feel so loved and important. Some people unfortunately never do. You are loved and please keep sharing so we can all learn about God’s love through you. Love you and Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Claudia!
So joyful to hear you felt God’s love, through those that surround you on your 22nd birthday.You are a beautifully made gift too this world and only beginning to be opened.
I think your biggest Fan (God) cut those balloon numbers to allow His Love to be released through you via the World Race.
Oh, what great plans He has for you ……and your crew.
God Bless and Peace Be With You.
Thank you so much Mrs. Simon! He has been so good to me so far, so I am very excited for the next year!
Thank you so much Mrs. Jansen!
Thank Mom! Love and miss you
I love you Miss. Camille! Miss you already
I know I am so lucky to be traveling with such a phenomenal group of women. I can’t wait to learn from them this next year.
Thank you so much! It was such an incredible day/way to start the World Race. That Fan analogy has rocked my world. I cannot wait to share that insight with my team!
Happy Birthday! I’m so happy that you were celebrated. May God continue to shower his blessings upon you through all of the wonderful people he will put in your life this next year!!
I’ so glad you had an awesome birthday full of surprises A L L day long! I wish we could have been there to celebrate with you! I hope this year is the most amazing year of your life (so far)!