This month I found a part of myself that I didn’t know existed. However, this story doesn’t start in Colombia it starts in Nicaragua. One night I was prompted to ask the Lord what my identity is, and He gently showed me an image of milk & honey. This encounter with Christ confused me and for weeks I didn’t understand what Christ was trying to tell me through it. I knew that milk & honey symbolized the Lord’s abundant sweetness and richness, but I didn’t know how that applied to me.
Fast forwards about a month and now I have some insight to why the Lord told me my identity is milk & honey. This past month Christ has been teaching me a lot about abundance and what it means to live within it.
In Colombia, I kept coming back to this image of the Holy Spirit as a cup overflowing with water. This water represents His blessings, graces, and all of His goodness. I think that I always exist within this cup, but most of the times I’m swimming in the water. Swimming is an action. At first swimming is fun, but it quickly gets tiring. It’s not restful. God doesn’t want us to swim in His abundance. He wants us to float in His abundance. Below you can see my attempt at drawing this image God gave me.
As the month went on I started to picture myself floating in this Holy water. I was still soaked in His blessings and goodness, but instead I was just taking it all in and letting it soak into my soul.
I could clearly see how the Lord’s abundance within the ministry we partnered with. Ciudad Refugio’s church services literally overflowed with people— to the point where they didn’t have enough seats for people to sit down. Once a week Ciudad Refugio goes into the streets to minister to the homeless. Volunteers flowed into the streets to spread God’s love & light.
Within my last week here, I realized that milk & honey was God’s way of telling me that I was created to live in His overflow. He wants me to float and rest in His abundance. He wants me to physically feel how the Lord was works throw me. He wants me to see the way He moves and how His abundance flows through us.
Colombia showed me what Christ’s abundance looks like. Colombia taught me how to float in His overflow. Colombia felt like I was coming home.
Are you aware of Christ’s abundance in your life?
“Within my last week here, I realized that milk & honey was God’s way of telling me that I was created to live in His overflow. He wants me to float and rest in His abundance.” Okay but so good. I loved watching you process through this and LOVE what you learned in Colombia. What a sweet place.
Abundance is SUCH a sweet gift. Can’t wait to see you carry that abundance and walk in that overflow in the countries to come
I love that you are learning to live out of God’s rest! Hebrews 4:10
‘For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.’ You have learned the secret – to cease from our own works to allow God to work through you! I’m jumping up and down for joy!
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.
Also LOVE the graphic. Adding it to my mental list of the abundance of gifts the Lord has bestowed to you!! All of which you steward so well.